Mong Palatino

Blogging about the Philippines and the Asia-Pacific since 2004


@mongster is a Manila-based activist, former Philippine legislator, and blogger/analyst of Asia-Pacific affairs.

Published by Bayan Metro Manila

We recall and salute the heroic struggles and sacrifice of our ancestors against colonial rule.

More than a century after the declaration of Independence, we continue to aspire for true freedom and democracy in our society.

Today, we are confronted with a new tyranny as the Duterte government is laying the basis for the establishment of a full-blown authoritarian rule.

Its latest weapon is the anti-terror legislation which poses a big threat to people’s civil liberties.

It seeks to address lawless violence yet its provisions are clearly directed to criminalize and penalize those who are expressing discontent and dissent against the status quo.

It equates public agitation against state inefficiency and incompetence of leadership with terrorism.

But it is the Duterte regime which is guilty of terrorism. In the past four years, it unleashed a bloody legacy of killings through Oplan Tokhang, Oplan Sauron, the misnamed Oplan Kapayapaan, and Oplan Kapanatagan. It committed widespread human rights violations under the guise of combating terrorism.

Its victims are the poor, farmers, indigenous peoples, and all those who dared to organize resistance such as activists and community organizers.

History teaches us that resistance against an oppressive system is just. More than memorizing Panatang Makabayan, our pledge is to advance the unfinished struggle for true independence and democracy.

We are inspired by the heroism of Andres Bonifacio, Jose Rizal, Gen. Antonio Luna, and other freedom fighters from the time of Katipunan up to the anti-dictatorship struggle.

We call on all freedom-loving Filipinos and patriots to join the resistance by challenging the tyrannical rule of Duterte.

Let us continue the fight for genuine liberation.

Onward with the national democratic struggle!

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