Mong Palatino

Blogging about the Philippines and the Asia-Pacific since 2004


@mongster is a Manila-based activist, former Philippine legislator, and blogger/analyst of Asia-Pacific affairs.

The naughty and nice of 2020

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023

Published by the Philippine Daily Inquirer This has been a terrible year because of the pandemic, but there are people who made the lives of Filipinos more miserable. The “naughtiest” is President Duterte, whose incoherent late-night speeches did nothing to ease our worries. His militarist mindset proved ineffective and counter-productive in dealing with the health […]

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Published by the Philippine Daily Inquirer The court order granting a three-hour furlough to Reina Mae Nasino was narrowly interpreted by the police and jail authorities to deprive a grieving mother of a decent moment to bury her dead child. Authorities will probably inform the court that they complied with the order by bringing Reina […]

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