Mong Palatino

Blogging about the Philippines and the Asia-Pacific since 2004


@mongster is a Manila-based activist, former Philippine legislator, and blogger/analyst of Asia-Pacific affairs.

New Year: A cruel carousel in Myanmar, Ressa’s acquittal “in the upside down”, a quiet crackdown in China, and censored videos. A tax court acquitted journalist Maria Ressa, China has quietly launched a crackdown on anti-lockdown protesters, India ordered YouTube and Twitter to block a BBC documentary, and Fiji’s new government has promised to restore media freedom. Read more.

Women push back in Pakistan, coup anniversary, BBC raid, and silencing independent media across Asia. Digital Rights Foundation has launched several innovative and tech-based initiatives: the Cyber Harassment Helpline, Hamara Internet, Digital 50.50, and a complaint cell for the protection of women journalists. Read more.

A win in Mongolia, interviews spotlight China, Vietnam, and India, and a spate of attacks against journalists. Mongolian legislators voted down a dangerous social media bill, alarming attacks against journalists across South Asia, and intimidating tactics used against organisers of women’s marches in Pakistan and Malaysia. Read more.

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