Monthly Archives: December 2009

Politics and immorality in Southeast Asia

“Immoral” rock concerts were banned in Malaysia. An “immoral” gay group was disqualified from participating in the Philippine elections. Immorality was blamed for the natural disasters that hit Indonesia this year. It seems public authorities are playing the morality card to uphold the dominant social order in many Southeast Asian countries. To protect the morals […]

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Travel tips. Travel habits

1. Always bring a book. Read a book in the pre-boarding gate. Read a book while waiting for delayed flights. Read a book inside the plane. Reading reduces stress. Reading distracts your mind from the bad plane food and lousy seatmates. When travelling, it is wise to go on high-tech fasting: don’t use your phones […]

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Local and foreign trips

Kapit ng mahigpit, babyahe tayo…. From Laoag airport, we travelled to San Juan, Ilocos Sur. I attended the flag ceremony and delivered an inspirational talk in a public high school. Then, we went to the Vigan campus of the University of Northern Philippines. I visited the provincial capitol first before proceeding towards Candon. I met […]

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Introducing @kabataancrew

I should not get all the praise for the many victories achieved by Kabataan Partylist this year. I have to recognize the bigger contributions of our officers, personnel, and members throughout the country. I am also blessed for having a superb and hardworking staff. Let me introduce the cool and intelligent Congress staff of Kabataan […]

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Kabataan Partylist: Bills and Resolutions Filed

Kabataan Partylist sponsored (13) house resolutions, (6) house bills and delivered three (3) privilege speeches between April-November of 2009. House Bills a. Public Libraries Bill – HB06770: This will modernize the country’s public libraries by amending Republic Act 7743. We are proposing the establishment of e-library facilities in the country’s 1,231 public libraries. We also […]

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2009 political words of the year

The 2009 Oxford words of the year are unfriend, hashtag, intexticated, netbook, sexting, funemployed, birther, choice mom, and deleb. Many of these words, though familiar to most Filipinos, are not applicable in the Philippines. Unfriending people in facebook, friendster, and other social network sites is not a common internet habit among Filipino netizens. We cannot […]

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Neophyte reflections

How does it feel to be a congressman? Friends, relatives, and even new acquaintances have been asking me this question for the past seven months. I always reply with a joke. I tell them that my carefree activities have been restricted like jaywalking or buying pirated materials. I am somewhat hesitant to answer this question […]

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Will Malaysia and Singapore fight over water?

Due to its size and location, Singapore sources about half of its water supply from its neighbor Malaysia. It has two major water agreements with Malaysia. The 1961 agreement provides for the selling of 350 million gallons of raw water daily at 3 Malaysian cents per 1,000 gallons. In return, Singapore had agreed to provide […]

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