Monthly Archives: August 2012

Crimes Against Rohingya

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once described the atrocities committed against the Russian people by German soldiers during the Second World War as a “crime without a name.” But would Churchill use the same words if he lived long enough to witness the numerous “killing fields” of the second half of the 20th century? True, […]

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You do not self-demolish yourself. Please.

You do not self-demolish yourself. You do not self-exile yourself. Urban poor communities are not depressed. There are no undocumented human beings. Low skilled workers don’t exist. Self-demolish. To self-demolish is to voluntarily destroy a house or home and relocate to a safer place. But there seems to be no other usage for self-demolish other […]

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From Bad to Worse

Written for The Diplomat The high global demand for mineral resources in the past decade has led to a rapid expansion of mining exploration in the Philippines. Suddenly, mining became a major economic priority for the government because of its huge potential in generating jobs and tax revenues. But public opinion towards mining turned negative […]

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Beyond Legislation: Ending Torture in the Philippines

Speech delivered in Hong Kong last July 21 during the Meeting of Parliamentarians of the Asian Alliance against Torture and ill-treatment organized by the Asian Human Rights Commission. Good afternoon dear friends and fellow human rights advocates. Mabuhay! On May 19, 2009 Filipino-American Melissa Roxas was abducted by suspected members of the military in a […]

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