Monthly Archives: January 2024

Why Filipino activists are opposed to NATO and US militarism

Greetings of solidarity from the Philippines, a former colony of the United States. But more importantly, a nation that resisted colonizers and ousted dictators through revolution and people power uprisings. Today, 14 farmers were killed in a joint police-military operation in Negros, an island province in the Philippines Martial law is still enforced in the […]

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IFEX 2022: A year of pushing back against misogyny, censorship, and tyranny in Asia

The continuing pandemic exacerbated the suffering of many in 2022, but we also witnessed how resistance emerged in a context of intensified political crisis and government repression across the region. Protesters demanding the ouster of corrupt regimes, journalists exposing abuse, women resisting tyranny, and civil society groups promoting solidarity – below, we share examples of […]

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