Philippine Legislators Mull ‘Economic Charter Change’

Written for The Diplomat

The plan to amend certain economic provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is proceeding, with President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. announcing his preference to hold a plebiscite during the 2025 midterm local election. Both Houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives, are already conducting public hearings about the proposal, despite the concerns raised by various stakeholders that the planned Charter Change, or ChaCha, could lead to the removal of term limits and the self-serving extension of terms of incumbent officials.

Congress will adjourn sessions before the Holy Week. The next two weeks are therefore crucial if pro-ChaCha legislators will be able to persuade the Congress leadership to vote on the measure. Furthermore, their biggest challenge is how to get the support of the public who are increasingly being made aware that Marcos and his allies are prioritizing ChaCha instead of other urgent people’s concerns.

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Charter Change Bid Moves Forward in the Philippines

Written for The Diplomat

Several initiatives promoting the amendment of the 1987 Philippine Constitution have garnered the support of the leadership of both houses of Congress, even if the campaign could further cause political disunity and public dissatisfaction.

Legislators, including the Senate leadership, have agreed to support the “economic ChaCha” which means this was done with the support of President Marcos. At the minimum, ChaCha could energize debates about the roots of the country’s underdevelopment and whether allowing foreigners to acquire more assets and a greater role in the economy will spur progress. But ChaCha could also inflame acrimonious rhetoric, exacerbate political differences, and even ignite destabilization. Can Marcos and his government afford to take this risk amid rising global tensions and regional instability?

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